Departmental Student Learning Outcomes | Media Studies

Departmental Student Learning Outcomes


SLO 1: analyze media texts in terms of their aesthetic and socio-cultural properties and/ or contexts

SLO 2: produce media that demonstrates technical competency

Technical Competency Rubric
Lighting (if applicable)
Image Quality (if applicable)
Sound (if applicable)
Editing (if applicable)

SLO 3: produce media that demonstrates EITHER artistic or journalistic competency

Artistic Competency Rubric
Integration of form and content
Originality, creativity, inventiveness
Overall structure (including dialogue, theme, narrative arc, story character development, as appropriate)
Journalistic Compentecy Rubric
Writing/ wording of piece is clear(CLARITY)
Information provided is accurate(INFORMATION)
Sources are appropriate and/or adequate (SOURCES)
The piece is organized appropriate to its purpose (STRUCTURE)

SLO 4: apply primary theories, themes, and information relevant to the creation, consumption, and regulation of media (alt. describe and explain theories/ themes/ information)

Informational Competency Rubric
Recognizes relevant concepts, theories, issues
Correctly explains concepts, theories, rules, and facts
Correctly applies or uses concepts, theories, rules