About Media Studies

The Department of Media Studies focuses on the creative production and critical consumption of a range of moving-image media.
The faculty is composed of award-winning artists, scholars, and practitioners who employ a broad range of instructional methodologies.

The Department is housed in the Brown Building and in the Carmichael Radio and Television Center. Originally constructed to serve the University of North Carolina public broadcasting system, The Carmichael Center now holds the Department’s soundstage, screening room, production classrooms, editing lab, audio recording studio, and location production equipment inventory.

The Department enhances the curriculum with opportunities to learn outside of the traditional classroom setting and participate in variety of media productions.  These include the Department’s internship program, the student-run campus television station, and its client-based production clinic.

Behind the Scenes

Student Learning Outcomes

SLO 1: analyze media texts in terms of their aesthetic and socio-cultural properties and/ or contexts

SLO 2: produce media that demonstrates technical competency

Lighting (if applicable)
Image Quality (if applicable)
Sound (if applicable)
Editing (if applicable)

SLO 3: produce media that demonstrates EITHER artistic or journalistic competency

Integration of form and content
Originality, creativity, inventiveness
Overall structure (including dialogue, theme, narrative arc, story character development, as appropriate)
Writing/ wording of piece is clear(CLARITY)
Information provided is accurate(INFORMATION)
Sources are appropriate and/or adequate (SOURCES)
The piece is organized appropriate to its purpose (STRUCTURE)

SLO 4: apply primary theories, themes, and information relevant to the creation, consumption, and regulation of media (alt. describe and explain theories/ themes/ information)

Recognizes relevant concepts, theories, issues
Correctly explains concepts, theories, rules, and facts
Correctly applies or uses concepts, theories, rules

Sample Syllabi

Students learn lighting and interview techniques
Students learn lighting and interview techniques in Hassan Pitts’s MST 271 Intro to Media Production.

Alumni Stories

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